Our services are optimized for maximum performance and compatibility, we offer managed Joomla hosting with the option to get professional support from our Joomla Developers.
WordPress Optimized services for performance and compatibility, free account transfer, professional support by experienced WordPress developers!
Our services are Git enabled and use the proper PHP and MySQL versions to ensure that you are getting the most out of your Drupal CMS. In case you need help with your site, our developers can help!
Motov.net servers are having high physical security and power redundancy. Your data will be secure with us.
With our ultra modern servers and stable connectivity, your data will be transfered to end user in milliseconds.
We have a dedicated team of support for sales and support to help you in anytime. You can also chat with us.
As soon as you make a successful payment via PayPal or BitPay, your web hosting and domain names will be activated immediately. No waiting time whatsoever.
Your hosting account is backed up daily. We use dedicated cloud backup services to backup our customers.
Web Developers love using version control systems. All of our hosting accounts can use GIT & SVN command line tools on our servers. Simply request SSH access to get started.
All our hosting accounts allow you to install popular software such as Wordpress, Drupal, Joolma and Magento in one easy step. Upgrading your software is just as easy!
All hosting accounts come with the latest version of cPanel. This makes life easy for you to do routine tasks such as setting up email addresses and managing MySQL databases.
Our network runs the latest stable and secure versions of PHP & MySQL. We also implement strict security and firewall rules protecting your website from unwanted visitors 24/7.
It's optimized for great performance and is CMS friendly for systems like Joomla, WordPress and Drupal!
After spending years in web development, we decided to start our own optimized semi-dedicated shared hosting service. It is setup in a way to ensure effortless migration and stable service. We realise there are cheaper alternatives out there but the key feature in our service is that we are offering it as a "semi-dedicated" package, which means we are not overselling our servers and we have much less user per box. We are using modern fast servers from our provider Hetzner in Germany with guaranteed 99.9% uptime.
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Monthly Plan